Bulg. J. Phys. vol.51 no.3 (2024), pp. 282-295

Assessment of VLF Data Inversion Techniques for Aquifer Parameter Estimation

Collins O. Molua
Physics Department, University of Delta, Agbor Delta State, Nigeria
Abstract. This study investigates the efficacy of Very Low Frequency (VLF) records inversion strategies for estimating aquifer parameters, especially hydraulic conductivity and porosity, in coastal regions liable to saltwater intrusion. The research method includes records collection via VLF surveys, the utility of inversion algorithms, and comparative analysis of results. VLF records amassed from diverse locations were processed using least-squares and simulated annealing inversion methods to estimate aquifer parameters. Results suggest that at the same time as each technique offers constant estimations of hydraulic conductivity and porosity, simulated annealing inversion demonstrates stepped-forward accuracy in regions stimulated with the aid of saltwater intrusion. Spatial evaluation exhibits clustering of anomalous responses, helping in centred investigations of hydrogeological features. Overall, the study contributes precious insights into the reliability of VLF statistics inversion strategies for aquifer characterization, improving our expertise in groundwater dynamics and informing sustainable water resource control strategies.

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